Homework 4


Due 3/7/2001


Storage and Query Execution



For full credit, answer any 7 of the 10 questions

For Extra Credit (Max 15 points), answer all questions


All questions are from the text: “Database System Implementation”

We take “best 3” homework grades. So, this homework is optional.

But, you can only benefit by turning this in.





  1. Storage
    1. Exercise 4.3.1 (c) and  (d)
    2. Exercise 4.3.5 (f) through (i)  
    3. Exercise 4.4.6 (b) and (c)
    4. Exercise 5.4.5 (b) and (c)


  1. Query Execution
    1. Exercise 2.3.7
    2. Exercise 6.1.3
    3. Exercise 6.1.5 (c) through (e)
    4. Exercise 6.3.5 (d) and (f)
    5. Exercise 6.4.3(b)
    6. Exercise 6.5.5 (b) and (c)